Step24 Firestore Security Rules Testing

Goal of this step

  • Learn how to write test for Firestore Security Rules



Install java

If you haven't installed java...

*You may need to restart your pc after install!

Install firebase cli

npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login

Check it works correctly

firebase projects:list

Make server folder

mkdir server
cd server
firebase init

Imitate Quickstart

Make package.json

"name": "cloud-firestore-emulator-javascript-quickstart",
"version": "1.0.2",
"description": "Cloud Firestore emulator testing",
"scripts": {
"format": "prettier --write **/*.js",
"test": "mocha --timeout=10000"
"devDependencies": {
"@firebase/testing": "^0.16.11",
"mocha": "5.2.0",
"prettier": "1.15.2"

npm install

run npm install in sever directory.

Make test/test.js

const firebase = require("@firebase/testing");
const fs = require("fs");
* ============
* Setup
* ============
const projectId = "firestore-emulator-example";
const port = 8080;
const coverageUrl = `http://localhost:${port}/emulator/v1/projects/${projectId}:ruleCoverage.html`;
const rules = fs.readFileSync("firestore.rules", "utf8");
* Creates a new app with authentication data matching the input.
* @param {object} auth the object to use for authentication (typically {uid: some-uid})
* @return {object} the app.
function authedApp(auth) {
return firebase.initializeTestApp({ projectId, auth }).firestore();
* ============
* Test Cases
* ============
beforeEach(async () => {
// Clear the database between tests
await firebase.clearFirestoreData({ projectId });
before(async () => {
await firebase.loadFirestoreRules({ projectId, rules });
after(async () => {
await Promise.all(firebase.apps().map(app => app.delete()));
console.log(`View rule coverage information at ${coverageUrl}\n`);
describe("My app", () => {
it("require users to log in before creating a profile", async () => {
const db = authedApp(null);
const profile = db.collection("users").doc("alice");
await firebase.assertFails(profile.set({ birthday: "January 1" }));
it("should enforce the createdAt date in user profiles", async () => {
const db = authedApp({ uid: "alice" });
const profile = db.collection("users").doc("alice");
await firebase.assertFails(profile.set({ birthday: "January 1" }));
await firebase.assertSucceeds(
birthday: "January 1",
createdAt: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
it("should only let users create their own profile", async () => {
const db = authedApp({ uid: "alice" });
await firebase.assertSucceeds(
birthday: "January 1",
createdAt: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
await firebase.assertFails(
birthday: "January 1",
createdAt: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
it("should let anyone read any profile", async () => {
const db = authedApp(null);
const profile = db.collection("users").doc("alice");
await firebase.assertSucceeds(profile.get());
it("should let anyone create a room", async () => {
const db = authedApp({ uid: "alice" });
const room = db.collection("rooms").doc("firebase");
await firebase.assertSucceeds(
owner: "alice",
topic: "All Things Firebase"
it("should force people to name themselves as room owner when creating a room", async () => {
const db = authedApp({ uid: "alice" });
const room = db.collection("rooms").doc("firebase");
await firebase.assertFails(
owner: "scott",
topic: "Firebase Rocks!"
it("should not let one user steal a room from another user", async () => {
const alice = authedApp({ uid: "alice" });
const bob = authedApp({ uid: "bob" });
await firebase.assertSucceeds(
owner: "bob",
topic: "All Things Snowboarding"
await firebase.assertFails(
owner: "alice",
topic: "skiing > snowboarding"

Copy quickstart rules.

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /users/{userId} {
allow read;
allow create: if request.auth.uid == userId && == request.time;
match /rooms/{roomId} {
allow read;
// If you create a room, you must set yourself as the owner.
allow create: if == request.auth.uid;
// Only the room owner is allowed to modify it.
allow update: if == request.auth.uid;

Run Test

Let's run example test.

firebase emulators:exec --only firestore 'npm test'

Test case for our Flutter app

So, let's write test for out security rules by imitating quickstart example.

describe("My app", () => {
it("require users to log in before creating a user", async () => {
const db = authedApp(null);
const user = db.collection("users").doc("alice");
await firebase.assertFails(user.set({ name: "Alice" }));
it("should let anyone read any published posts", async () => {
const db = authedApp(null);
const queryPublished = db.collectionGroup('posts').where("published", "==", true).get();
const queryDrafts = db.collectionGroup('posts').where("published", "==", false).get();
await firebase.assertSucceeds(queryPublished);
await firebase.assertFails(queryDrafts);
it("should only let users to query their own post", async () => {
const db = authedApp({ uid: "alice" });
await firebase.assertSucceeds(
await firebase.assertFails(
it("should not allow to read other's draft post", async () => {
const alice = authedApp({ uid: "alice" });
const bob = authedApp({ uid: "bob" });
// Make alice's draft post
const aliceDraftPost = alice.collection("users").doc("alice").collection("posts").doc("alice-post1");
await aliceDraftPost.set({title: "title", published: false});
// Make alice's published post
const alicePublicPost = alice.collection("users").doc("alice").collection("posts").doc("alice-post2");
await alicePublicPost.set({title: "title", published: true});
// Bob access alice's draft post
const bobQuery1 = bob.collection("users").doc("alice").collection("posts").doc("alice-post1").get();
// Bob access alice's published post
const bobQuery2 = bob.collection("users").doc("alice").collection("posts").doc("alice-post2").get();
// Alice access alice's draft post
const aliceQuery = aliceDraftPost.get();
await firebase.assertFails(bobQuery1);
await firebase.assertSucceeds(bobQuery2);
await firebase.assertSucceeds(aliceQuery);
it("require users to log in before creating a post", async () => {
const db = authedApp(null);
const query = db.collection("users").doc("alice")
title: "alice",
content: "All Things Firebase"
await firebase.assertFails(query);
it("requires title field to create a post", async () => {
const db = authedApp({ uid: "alice" });
const postDocRef = db.collection("users").doc("alice").collection("posts").doc()
await firebase.assertFails(postDocRef.set({title: ""}));
await firebase.assertSucceeds(postDocRef.set({title: "title 1"}));
it("should not allow to update other's post", async () => {
const alice = authedApp({ uid: "alice" });
const bob = authedApp({ uid: "bob" });
// Make bob's post
await bob.collection("users").doc("bob")
.set({title: "hogehoge"});
// alice query to update bob's post
aliceQuery = alice.collection("users").doc("bob")
.update({title: "hoge"});
await firebase.assertFails(aliceQuery);
it("requires title field to update a post", async () => {
const db = authedApp({ uid: "alice" });
const postDocRef = db.collection("users").doc("alice").collection("posts").doc("post1");
await postDocRef.set({title: "hogehgoe"});
await firebase.assertFails(postDocRef.update({title: ""}));
await firebase.assertSucceeds(postDocRef.update({title: "title 1"}));
it("should not allow to delete other's post", async () => {
const alice = authedApp({ uid: "alice" });
// alice query to update bob's post
aliceQuery = alice.collection("users").doc("bob")
await firebase.assertFails(aliceQuery);

Check test reports

Start emulator

firebase emulators:start --only firestore

Then, in another terminal tab

npm run test

And visit generated url

Test Coverage

If test is not applied to the rules, it shows message like this. ss-of-coverage

Deploy Rules

# inside server dir
firebase deploy --only firestore:rules

Seed data

This is just a memo links.